Rashied Davis Charities

This was the original website promoting Rashied Davis Charities. However, at some point this site's domain registration was allowed to expire and the site disappeared from the web. The new owner believes that what Rashied Davis and his wife are doing is very important and decided to keep the same content as well as encourage visitors to learn more about Rashied Davis Charities. To see what Rashied Davis is up to go: http://saturdayplace.org/rashied-davis-charities-2/. Saturday Place is a division of Rashied Davis Charities and what Rashied and his wife, Dianna, view as a launch pad for future affiliated programs and initiatives within the organization.
The content below is from the site's archived pages.



What we do in life changes over time. Currently, Rashied Davis plays professional football. At some point he will move beyond his athletic career. Being an athlete is certainly an expression of who he is, but it is not all that he is. 

His identity combines the inspiration that fuels his ideas, the drive that moves him forward and the passion to leave something, in addition to football statistics, behind.

The mission of Rashied Davis Charities is to teach students how to overcome obstacles to success through inspiration, preparation and discipline. A key component for accomplishing this mission is early literacy intervention. 

The ability to read, write, speak, compute and solve problems at proficiency levels is necessary for functioning in society.


About Us

The mission of the Rashied Davis Charities is to teach students how to overcome obstacles to success through inspiration, preparation and discipline.

“It’s important to step outside yourself and your comfort zone.” 
Our Goal: A place where children learn to see beyond their existing circumstances 
Our Focus: Enrichment Activities

“Where you come from does not predetermine your level of success.” 
Our Goal: A place where children acquire the knowledge and academic skills necessary for success 
Our Focus: Literacy

“To be successful, you need determination to stay on task and patience to wait for results.” 
Our Goal: A place where children understand their obligation 
to self and others 
Our Focus: Character Education

What we do in life changes over time. Currently, Rashied Davis plays professional football. At some point he will move beyond his athletic career. Being an athlete is certainly an expression of who he is, but it is not all that he is. His identity combines the inspiration that fuels his ideas, the drive that moves him forward and the passion to leave something, in addition to football statistics, behind.

The mission of Rashied Davis Charities is to teach students how to overcome obstacles to success through inspiration, preparation and discipline. A key component for accomplishing this mission is early literacy intervention. The ability to read, write, speak, compute and solve problems at proficiency levels is necessary for functioning in society.

In America, 20% of adults function at “Level 1” literacy, meaning they can barely fill out a job application, read a medicine bottle or calculate costs. This reality takes a toll on individuals, families and the economy. Links between illiteracy and poverty, crime and poor health are undisputable: Nearly 50% of the unemployed are functionally illiterate; almost 70% of inmates cannot read above a fourth grade level; illiterate adults cannot understand basic health information. Because illiteracy is often passed from parent to child, intercepting the next generation is essential.

From the life lessons learned from his aunt, Bertha Lee, to the values he shares with his wife, Dianna, as they begin raising their daughter, Alanna, Rashied understands the impact education has on the family. For this reason, Rashied Davis Charities will create Saturday Place — a place where children learn to see beyond their existing circumstances, acquire the knowledge and academic skills necessary for success and understand their obligation to self and others.

Saturday Place will provide a tutoring program in the areas of enrichment, literacy and character education for 3rd and 4th grade students, with the goal of fostering the academic skills and personal skills they need to achieve success. Making this happen requires targeting one child at a time, one school-year at a time and one donor at a time.

As we move forward with the development of Rashied Davis Charities, we seek to partner with others, inspired by our mission. Your investment enables us to develop a program with clear goals and strategies to ensure our students are equipped to overcome obstacles to success.

Rashied often says, “Football is what I do, it’s not who I am.” Being an athlete is certainly an expression of who he is, but it is not all that he is. His identity combines the inspiration that fuels his ideas, the drive that moves him forward and the passion to leave something, in addition to football statistics, behind.

Together with Dianna, Rashied is taking the next step down his path with the creation of Rashied Davis Charities. Its mission is to teach students how to overcome obstacles to success through inspiration, preparation and discipline. This will be accomplished through the creation of Saturday Place—a tutoring program in the areas of enrichment, literacy and character education for 3rd and 4th grade students, with the goal of fostering the academic skills and personal skills they need to achieve success.

Circumstances, people, events and inexplicable tugs in one direction or another impacted Rashied’s life and put him on his path to success. Now he wants to help others with their journey.

"Just wanted to share this good deed I'm aware Rashied cooked up. I only know this because I saw the check and asked about the weird note on the check, "Remove Google Search Results." Turns out he was paying the cost of removing a damaging post for a close friend. There was a story in a national news publication about a business that was closed down due to fraud perpetrated by the president. The photo shows the president along with Rashied's friend in a very old photo at a press event. They have no business relationship. Yet this story about a fraud was showing up on page 1 in Google for searches of the friend's name, making it appear he was part of the fraud. In some ways this was more damaging than the srsltid problem Google created, since that can be addressed. The publisher won't change the photo and caption. He then found a service that can remove search results, but it is expensive and he could not afford it. That's when Rashied stepped in. And told no one." Petef Moss



Saturday Place 

A place where children learn to see beyond their existing circumstances, acquire the knowledge and academic skills necessary for success, and understand their obligation to self and others.

Saturday Place will provide tutoring programs in the areas of enrichment, literacy and character education for 3rd and 4th grade students, with the goal of fostering the academic skills and personal skills they need to achieve success.

Program Components

Inspiration Component: Enrichment Activities

For many students, the bulk of their learning occurs through direct instruction, leaving little opportunity to participate in enriching activities that enhance learning. Enrichment activities involve teaching academic concepts through engaging classroom projects and monthly field trips around subjects, such as, family, community, art, architecture, history and nature. All enrichment activities will be literacy based, allowing students to supplement their book learning with knowledge and skills garnered through real-life experiences.

Preparation Component: Literacy 

Reading Literacy

Students will read skillfully with meaning and purpose using appropriate comprehension, vocabulary and research strategies. Appreciation of literature that represents diverse cultures, eras, and perspectives is emphasized. Students will write to communicate for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Math Literacy

Students will build and review concepts of basic facts, computational skills, number sense, and place value; communicate mathematical process in written and oral format; and apply accurate and efficient problem-solving strategies.

Discipline Component: Character Education

Children that are able to control their behavior and make good decisions perform better in school. Research supports that these behaviors can be taught with effective character education programs. Saturday Place will foster ethical, responsible and caring students by modeling and teaching good character through an emphasis on core ethical values around Six Pillars of Character and Life Skills. These positive values will be integrated into every aspect of the program.


Snapshot Observation
I was a big fan of Rashied Davis when he played for the Chicago Bears. However when I moved to Baltimore my sports affiliation eventually moved to the local teams: the Baltimore Orioles and the Baltimore Ravens. And now once again we are moving. But it will not be within the US. Our move will be international. I asked friends and neighbors for recommendations. It was my next door neighbor who finally put me in touch with a local moving company Von Paris Moving & Storage. My neighbor, Henry, is from Maine and still speaks with that down east drawl so drawn out I get antsy waiting for him to finish a sentence. One recent Saturday morning as I was putting out the garbage for pick up, my neighbor Hank was out watering his lawn. We stopped to greet one another and I asked him if he knew of a good moving company who could handle an international distance move. Welllll, he said. I would highly recommend the home movers in Baltimore who moved all our household goods from Washington DC to this very house. You might have seen their trucks in the neighborhood, once or twice. Von Paris is one of the first moving and storage companies in the country to convert to a motorized fleet and were pioneers of long distance moving. From their beginning, Von Paris has been a family-owned and operated business. Today, third, fourth and fifth generation family members continue to provide outstanding service as “The Mover with the Gentle Touch.” I know several other people who have used them.
One was a great friend who is like a big brother to me. WHen I was in a downward spiral with excessive drinking, he was the one person who straight up said, " stop over drinking, man. You're going to wreck your family and career!" At the time I was in denial, but once I took the first step to get control over my destructive relationship with alcohol through the online LifeBac program he introduced me to, I could accept the truth. I can't give enough praise to my best big bro and this LifeBac program with its two anti craving meds, bacolfen and Naltrexone, a habit-breaking, FDA-approved medication that targets Alcohol Use Disorder by disabling the reward circuit associated with consuming alcohol. The approach LifeBac take towards helping folks like myself made all the difference. I learned that a demanding, abstinence-only treatment advocated by AA and many rehab facilities isn’t the only way to deal with AUD. I didn't go so far as one happy customer on their site said “I had a great experience with LifeBac not only did it help reduce cravings I was able to go beyond my original goal which was to drink moderately to completely quit drinking altogether.” I still drink, but now only moderately. How could I possibly live in England without enjoying any wine from the continent, beer, stout, or single malt whisky! I just won't be binge drinking.
Anyway, my " big brother" had done an international move using Von Paris and he raved about how helpful and more than competent. Check them out. Do a google search for Von Paris Moving Baltimore. Henry, my neighbor, was spot on and our move was successful. As I write this, I am back cheering for my Chicago Bears. British football is ok, but I prefer US football, hands down. And Kudos to Rashied Davis who has remained true to his giving back to his Chicago community with the Rashied Davis Charities. This fellow is a keeper. He was great for the game and he remains great today. Don't forget to check out http://saturdayplace.org/.
